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Complete InterpretationSince God speaks in spirit, faith measurement models our mental interpretation of what God has told us to do (or be). Since a business model is a complete view of business, it models everything needed to do anything, including what God has told us to be. So, it is a thinking tool to make sure we have completed our interpretation of what we have received in the spirit. Present, Past and FuturePresent example: whenever we have to work together, we need to ask for help and offer our products and services. In other words we need to know our strengths and weaknesses so we can define our requirements and make proposals to those who may need our services. Past example: whenever we have to work together, we need to make and keep commitments. Commitments require measured confidence. Future example: whenever we have to work together, we need to share our vision in a plan to organize our communication. In other words, we need to share our personal Word from God. When we say everything needed to do anything, we are talking about things that are always needed no matter what the level of detail or complexity desired. For example: to work together, you always have to give, take, communicate and commit. Faith Measurement SummaryFaith measurement is a complete business model of our interpretation of what God has told us to do or be. TeamsWin – Faith Measurement Mission StatementThe purpose of TeamsWin – Faith Measurement is to provide tools and services for Faith Measurement.
Contact: Bob Pace, Chairman of TeamsWin |
Information Heavylifting for Business Intelligence |
TeamsWin – Faith MeasurementThe purpose of this document is to define faith measurement and present the mission statement of TeamsWin – Faith Measurement. Faith measurement is a business model of faith. It models what God has told a person to be. At the same time it also models what that person wants to be. So, faith measurement models our heart’s desire which gets refined into our personal Word from God, and our heart’s desire. |
Faith Measurement |
Faith Measurement Blog |
Episcopal Church Measrmnt |
Book Of Common Prayer |
Boundary County Measrmnt
Ski Racing Measurement |
Fastpitch Measurement |
Measured Proposals |
TeamsWin Measurement |
Bob Pace 7087 Funkhouser ST Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805 (In Boundary County North Idaho) |
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